STL2STM2BookC_StringPrint_SetupTPrintStartupSound_TabLISTBook_PrefsAct List Scene Drawing_Model Draw_Specs diagram_struct_arrayDependentsScriptPad_ListManuscriptPlayPlay_PrefsModelSubscript_Set_ListSubscript_SetArraySimulation_ModelRun_Specsentity_struct_arrayentity_structint16_arraydouble_arraytoken_type_arraytoken_type run_handle_array!Draw_Index"Poster_Info#Poster_Tab$AliasRecord%Play_Where&diagram_struct'Point_array(movie_attach)Picture_Tab*Pad+slider_type,Model_Index-Log_Condn.Log_Page/Model_Index_array0Button_Type1Condition2Movie_Tab3graph_type4curve_type_array5curve_type6Pathname7Panel8Sector_Specs9SET:Sense_Setup;select_struct_array<allow_struct_array=Picture_array>Entity_Controller_Map?Section_List@Font_MapAFont_Map_Record_ArrayBFont_Map_RecordCWindow_ListDModel_WindowEPad_WindowF@@DfEfBEfPEfz>frfizbi EfxxHHS\HHSd'g+ pd>> ,,DfzEf4Ef     PEfpDf    JJ   drmd   vPu@@tDf>f>f>f8fZ8ff5fPP?? "2     V>f>f >fl>fF=f;fn:f7f>f f;fli(1 Dim_Name_1 cjj@$?Timel`~*s@Y@Y@i@b@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y??? @Y?Present_Sea_Levelinitial_sea_level !" #b????? volume_of_water_change0 !" N#b????? Sea_bottom_elevation_change0 !" N#c @Y@Y??@Y@Y@Y@Y???@Y? initial_sea_level100 d!" N#c 2 ?????? Overall_Rate3volume_of_water_change-Sea_bottom_elevation_change     !" # i$@r  ,$&f$%&     , 'aJ**@ @()*+,hh @2l>f?-./&" " 0 N'J*@@S()*+,@@2l>f?-./&" " 0 N'J*d@@()*+,@R@b@Y@Y!l>f?-./&" " 0 N' D @ ()* Graph 1+0 N'N D C }K()*+1TT A=fn n 2&3Clear-0 N'NMDMr Ez()*+1A&>fn n 2&3Run-0 N' tJ/@J/ B'()*The change in sea level due to the volume of sea water changing (+ is increasing and - is decreasing) and the change in elevation of the sea bottom (+ is rising and - is subsiding). Your initial sea level depends on location.+0 N'R$@}()*+,l>f?-./&" " 0 N' t@h} p()*The OVERALL RATE is the resultant rate of change of sea level or the slope of the line on the graph for the last run. It is the combination of the two changing factors: water volume and sea bottom elevation.+0 N'Z@ R|()*+,@r@r@rs33333?l>f?-./&" "  N' ti@iQ :aY()*:The PRESENT SEA LEVEL is the level at the end of the run.+0 Ndrmd  &  8' s@j%()*+0 |' dQ@HZ()*+0 |' b@_Q (Y)*(Y+0 |' b@_M ( )*( +0 |' d@ ()*+0 |' D& @D()* Graph 1+0 |'R@ N()*+,l>f?-./&" " 0 |'R3@+<E()*+,l>f?-./&" " 0 |'R#@,N()*+,l>f?-./&" " 0 |' cw`@ j@()*+0 |' c@ x  ()*+0 |' a @ ()*+0 |' a @ ()*+0 |'RB@ :KN()*+,l>f?-./&" " 0 |drmd +66iYix-f-fYif7l;fn:f 4ZZ :fP7f^7f@$)2@$+ Untitled5B6Bl>f?QR-" |+&iklF/f~/frfif7F=fn:f 4z7f|%f(f@$)2@$+SEA LEVEL CHANGE56l>f?QR@i-" N%7 ED C>f8f7f5f47fNl5f  8f8f     drmd P 8 8f8f  8    drmd   8f5f      drmd 8f7fb6f 9ug:T ;bbp6f֠i 4f4f4fF L(<=> ?-" N?-" N?-" N @x2ABCArialCArial@D  E @3E@3F )+F%+