% Periodic Table toolbox % Maryland Virtual High School of Science and Mathematics % % Routines % % initTab - loads mat files for properties and table % ptable.mat and tabrec.mat % Properties % AtomWt Density Iso TherCond IonRad % Atomicrad ElecAff MeltingPt abund % BoilingPt ElecNeg NucChrg hform % Covrad Group RadIso hvap % Date Hfus Symbol ionE % % Functions % printp - draws the periodic table % clickel - returns info about an element clicked - use after printp % surf2 - creates a 3d plot of the desired property % % Programs % circMelt - circles desired group for Melting Point % aRadNum - Plot atomic radius separated by period % plotDate - plots Dates: highlights early and late discoveries % mboil - plots melting and boiling points - highlights max % % Other % noble.dat - Data for plotting vertical lines at ends of periods % % For further information, type % help commandname