Modeling Oscillating Systems: Mathematics Component
Rubric for Model Report

Objective:Given a graphical representation of periodic data, students will be able to calculate the coefficients of the sine function that models the data.


    ü   Correct transfer of model parameters from physics reports.

    ü   Correct transfer of raw data to Excel spreadsheet.


    ü  Accurate discussion of vertical shift (coefficient d).

    ü  Provide information relating graph to the coefficient value.


    ü  Correct calculations of coefficients a, b, and c.

    ü  Correct calculated version of mathematical model


    ü  Evaluation of accuracy of the mathematical model

    ü  Modifying of coefficients to make model more accurate

    ü  Clear explanation of how modifications(if any) were made and why modifications were necessary.

    ü  Appropriate observations about:

           o    Difficulties involved with creating the model.
           o    Quality of the data

    ü  Provide example of a prediction made with the model


    ü  Appropriate modifications of the Excel modeling tool

    ü  Creation of additional modeling tools (possibly using other software applications)