Alto Clarinet

Alto Clarinet - Comparison

Updated 1/30/97

Collected using a CBL and TI-82 calculator

Sample size - 99 points

Fundamental frequency: 212 Hz

FFT output

Frequencies (Hz)	Amplitudes
  313.1			  0.0272
  500			  0.0168
  813.1    		  0.2035
 1373.7			  0.0849
 1873.7			  0.0970

Plot of Alto Clarinet playing Middle 'C'

Collected using a CBL and TI-83 calculator Sample size - 512 points Fundamental frequency: 261 Hz Frequencies (Hz) Amplitudes 252.5 36.4103 515.2 26.2821 757.6 1.5385 1000 0.5128 1500 0.3846

Plot of Alto Clarinet playing Middle 'C'

Collected using a ULI and the Sound program from Vernier Sample size - over 2000 points Fundamental frequency: 268 Hz Frequencies (Hz) Amplitudes 96 8141 282.8 18589.7 469.7 5384.6 661.6 769.2 752.5 1602.6

Plot of Alto Clarinet playing Middle 'C'

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