Here'is a list of the users for the riverweb database 'keny' 'michelle' 'michelle' 'jgroganb' 'dmalorkus' '01mcohen' 'Norahjenny' 'danixiah' 'tram' 'worm' 'Drag On Word' 'SB1' 'VF' 'dave' 'jill' 'boberol' 'boberol' 'wolfe' 'eminemchild' 'eminemchild' '' 'mev24' 'janea n shannon' 'topgun' 'topgun' 'joschmo' 'leungmar' 'leo' 'sander' 'stacy' 'dcurtis' 'tour' 'dshaffer' 'River' 'mev1b' 'mev1b' 'Katy' 'Jojo' Please type in a user name, or q to quit: Responses for user "eminemchild" Question: How do the nitrogen levels compare at these two sites? Location: 0-nt-0-7-nt-0-476 Response: the nitrogen level at 0 station is lower than 7 station. Question: What does the increase in Nitrogen mean for the health of station 7 compared to the health of station 0? Location: 0-nt-0-7-nt-0-477 Response: the increase means that the 7th station um will need to get rid of some of there nitrogen while station 0 is more healthier. Question: How do the nitrogen levels compare at these two sites? Location: 0-nt-0-7-nt-0-478 Response: the nitrogen level at 0 station is lower than 7 station. Question: What does the increase in Nitrogen mean for the health of station 7 compared to the health of station 0? Location: 0-nt-0-7-nt-0-479 Response: the increase means that the 7th station um will need to get rid of some of there nitrogen while station 0 is more healthier. Question: Note that nitrogen concentration is fairly constant. What do you note about precipitation when the nitrogen concentration changes? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-440 Response: When precipitation increases, then the nitrogen level increases as well. Question: Is the relationship different depending on the season of the year? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-441 Response: The relationship does not differ depending on the seasons of the year. It only matters how much rain there is. Question: Hypothesize why the nitrogen increases as precipitation increases. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-442 Response: Nitrogen increases as precipitation increases because nitrogen takes up four/ fifths of our atmosphere and more is probably released when it rains. Question: How does concentration change? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-443 Response: concentration of precipitation changes when nitrogen levels are changed. Question: Which type of forest would you expect to have more run-off; a mature, old growth forest or a young, new growth forest. Explain your answer. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-444 Response: an old growth forest would have more of an run-off, b/c of all of the years of wear and tear flatening the forest ground. Question: Why does it take such a large change in precipitation before there is a change in runoff? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-445 Response: This is because water is displaced when we, the people on earth, use the water therefore making it more difficult for there to be a change in run-off. Question: What differences in the pristine forest from other subwatersheds affects the amount of runoff? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-446 Response: The differences in the Pristine forest that can change the amounts of runoff are things like the amount of trees that the forest contains. "keny" "michelle" "michelle" "jgroganb" "dmalorkus" "01mcohen" "Norahjenny" "danixiah" "tram" "worm" "Drag On Word" "SB1" "VF" "dave" "jill" "boberol" "boberol" "wolfe" "eminemchild" "eminemchild" "" "mev24" "janea n shannon" "topgun" "topgun" "joschmo" "leungmar" "leo" "sander" "stacy" "dcurtis" "tour" "dshaffer" "River" "mev1b" "mev1b" "Katy" "Jojo"  Please type in a user name, or q to quit: Responses for user "Drag On Word" Question: Is the relationship different depending on the season of the year? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-448 Response: Yes Question: Hypothesize why the relationship between these two indicators exists. Location: 0-nt-0-0-ph-0-475 Response: Depending on how much nitrogen is in the water, can determine the pH. Question: Hypothesize why the nitrogen increases as precipitation increases. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-449 Response: Because the precipitation contains the nitrogen, and when the preciptiation increases the nitrogen. Question: How does concentration change? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-450 Response: It a.... Question: Which type of forest would you expect to have more run-off; a mature, old growth forest or a young, new growth forest. Explain your answer. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-451 Response: New growth forest. Because the new forest has new soil and sometime alot and it'll run off when it rains to give the new pants enough. Question: Why does it take such a large change in precipitation before there is a change in runoff? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-452 Response: The precipitation is a big part of run off. So the more rain, the more runoff. The less rain, the less runoff. Question: What differences in the pristine forest from other subwatersheds affects the amount of runoff? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-453 Response: The prinestine forest is at the top of the watershed. So whatever flows out of their will end up in the river an flow down stream. Question: What type of relationship exists between nitrogen and BOD? Why? Location: 0-nt-0-0-bo-0-480 Response: I DON'T KNOW. Because i don't. User Note: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-454 Response: I tipacally guest on these answers so I really don't have real notes. So get some. Question: Is this relationship causal or correlational? Location: 0-nt-0-0-bo-0-481 Response: Correlational User Note: 0-ps-0-0-sm-0-482 Response: The graphs are simular Question: Note that nitrogen concentration is fairly constant. What do you note about precipitation when the nitrogen concentration changes? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-447 Response: The precipitation changes when the nitrogen changes. Question: What type of relationship between nitrogen and sediments do the graphs show? Location: 0-nt-0-0-sm-0-465 Response: A unstable one "keny" "michelle" "michelle" "jgroganb" "dmalorkus" "01mcohen" "Norahjenny" "danixiah" "tram" "worm" "Drag On Word" "SB1" "VF" "dave" "jill" "boberol" "boberol" "wolfe" "eminemchild" "eminemchild" "" "mev24" "janea n shannon" "topgun" "topgun" "joschmo" "leungmar" "leo" "sander" "stacy" "dcurtis" "tour" "dshaffer" "River" "mev1b" "mev1b" "Katy" "Jojo"  Please type in a user name, or q to quit: Responses for user "SB1" Question: Hypothesize why the nitrogen increases as precipitation increases. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-457 Response: The runoff of rainwater with different chemicals and toxins that are mixed with nitrogen into the river. Question: Which type of forest would you expect to have more run-off; a mature, old growth forest or a young, new growth forest. Explain your answer. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-458 Response: Old growth forest because the roots give more nutrients to the soil causing runoff. Question: Why does it take such a large change in precipitation before there is a change in runoff? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-459 Response: More water, more runoff Question: What type of relationship between nitrogen and sediments do the graphs show? Location: 0-nt-0-0-sm-0-468 Response: By looking at the graph I see that the more sediment, the more the nitrogen, which shows that there must be lots of nitrogen in the soil. Most likely the nitrogen would come from the fertilizers that are placed in the soil for growth. Question: Note that nitrogen concentration is fairly constant. What do you note about precipitation when the nitrogen concentration changes? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-455 Response: Nitrogen concentration increases when there is more precipitation. User Note: 0-nt-0-0-sm-0-473 Response: The more the sediment the more the nitrogen, the concentration of nitrogen increases in section 0 along with the increase of sediments. Question: Is the relationship different depending on the season of the year? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-456 Response: Yes "keny" "michelle" "michelle" "jgroganb" "dmalorkus" "01mcohen" "Norahjenny" "danixiah" "tram" "worm" "Drag On Word" "SB1" "VF" "dave" "jill" "boberol" "boberol" "wolfe" "eminemchild" "eminemchild" "" "mev24" "janea n shannon" "topgun" "topgun" "joschmo" "leungmar" "leo" "sander" "stacy" "dcurtis" "tour" "dshaffer" "River" "mev1b" "mev1b" "Katy" "Jojo"  Please type in a user name, or q to quit: Responses for user "janea n shannon" Question: Note that nitrogen concentration is fairly constant. What do you note about precipitation when the nitrogen concentration changes? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-469 Response: WHEN IT RAINS HEAVLY THE NITROGEN CONCENTRATION RISES. Question: Is the relationship different depending on the season of the year? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-470 Response: NO,BECAUSE IT CAN RAIN ALL YEAR AND THE NITROGEN CONCENTRATION LEVEL CAN STILL RISE. Question: Hypothesize why the nitrogen increases as precipitation increases. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-471 Response: THE NITROGEN INCREASES AS THE PRECIPITATION INCREASES BECAUCE BOTH SUBSTANCES ARE COMBINED TOGETHER. Question: How does concentration change? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-472 Response: CONCENTRATION CHANGES WHEN Question: Which type of forest would you expect to have more run-off; a mature, old growth forest or a young, new growth forest. Explain your answer. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-483 Response: I WOULD EXPECT A "keny" "michelle" "michelle" "jgroganb" "dmalorkus" "01mcohen" "Norahjenny" "danixiah" "tram" "worm" "Drag On Word" "SB1" "VF" "dave" "jill" "boberol" "boberol" "wolfe" "eminemchild" "eminemchild" "" "mev24" "janea n shannon" "topgun" "topgun" "joschmo" "leungmar" "leo" "sander" "stacy" "dcurtis" "tour" "dshaffer" "River" "mev1b" "mev1b" "Katy" "Jojo"  Please type in a user name, or q to quit: Responses for user "VF" Question: Note that nitrogen concentration is fairly constant. What do you note about precipitation when the nitrogen concentration changes? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-484 Response: THE CHANGES ARE MAJOR. IT HAS A GREAT IMPACT ON THE SYSTEM. Question: Is the relationship different depending on the season of the year? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-485 Response: THE REALTIONSHIP IS DIFFERENT. THE YEAR HAS DIFFERENT DAYS AND DIFFERENT WEATHER SYSTEMS.ALSO Question: Hypothesize why the nitrogen increases as precipitation increases. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-486 Response: WELL. THE NITROGEN INCREASES BECAUSE THE PRECIPITATION IS BRINGING WATER TO THE GROUND. Question: How does concentration change? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-487 Response: THE CONCENTRATION CHANGED BECAUSE OF THE DIFFERENT CHEMICALS. Question: Which type of forest would you expect to have more run-off; a mature, old growth forest or a young, new growth forest. Explain your answer. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-488 Response: I THINK A OLD MATURE FORREST WOULD HAVE MORE RUN-OFF. THE RIVER IS OLDER AND WITH TIME ITS SIZE CHANGES. "keny" "michelle" "michelle" "jgroganb" "dmalorkus" "01mcohen" "Norahjenny" "danixiah" "tram" "worm" "Drag On Word" "SB1" "VF" "dave" "jill" "boberol" "boberol" "wolfe" "eminemchild" "eminemchild" "" "mev24" "janea n shannon" "topgun" "topgun" "joschmo" "leungmar" "leo" "sander" "stacy" "dcurtis" "tour" "dshaffer" "River" "mev1b" "mev1b" "Katy" "Jojo"  Please type in a user name, or q to quit: Responses for user "worm" Question: What differences in the pristine forest from other subwatersheds affects the amount of runoff? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-439 Response: The kinds of trees there are and how many people occupy and use the watershed. Question: How do the nitrogen levels compare at these two sites? Location: 0-nt-0-7-nt-0-466 Response: The nitrogen levels at station 7 have a much high level then station number 0 Question: What does the increase in Nitrogen mean for the health of station 7 compared to the health of station 0? Location: 0-nt-0-7-nt-0-467 Response: The toxin level at station 7 is going all over the chart as where station 0 didn't have and toxin level Question: Note that nitrogen concentration is fairly constant. What do you note about precipitation when the nitrogen concentration changes? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-433 Response: When there is more precipitation,the nitrogen concentration raises. Question: Is the relationship different depending on the season of the year? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-434 Response: According to the graph,there is more precipitation and nitrogen in the spring and then dies down in the summer months.But then increases in the fall months. Question: Hypothesize why the nitrogen increases as precipitation increases. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-435 Response: Because there is nitrogen in water when it rains. Question: How does concentration change? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-436 Response: Concentration changes due to the amount of precipitation. Question: Location: 3-nt-0-3-pc-0-463 Response: After 0.4 inches of rain the introgen concentration increases rapidly. Question: Which type of forest would you expect to have more run-off; a mature, old growth forest or a young, new growth forest. Explain your answer. Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-437 Response: I think a new young forest because there's not enough trees or plant life to hold the run-off from going into the river. Question: Why does it take such a large change in precipitation before there is a change in runoff? Location: 0-nt-0-0-pc-0-438 Response: Because theres a change in the season. Question: Why would nitrogen concentration decrease with increased precipitation? Location: 6-nt-0-6-pc-0-474 Response: It might decrease because the owners of the land might have better methods implemented and uses. "keny" "michelle" "michelle" "jgroganb" "dmalorkus" "01mcohen" "Norahjenny" "danixiah" "tram" "worm" "Drag On Word" "SB1" "VF" "dave" "jill" "boberol" "boberol" "wolfe" "eminemchild" "eminemchild" "" "mev24" "janea n shannon" "topgun" "topgun" "joschmo" "leungmar" "leo" "sander" "stacy" "dcurtis" "tour" "dshaffer" "River" "mev1b" "mev1b" "Katy" "Jojo"  Please type in a user name, or q to quit: