sub DecideAsssignmentHeader { #print "Decide Assignment Header: M $query{'map'}, T $form{'topstation'},C $changed, B $form{'bottomstation'}."; if ($locale eq "top"){ if (($query{'map'} eq "7") || ($form{'topstation'} eq "7")){ &printAssignment; $printedassignment = "yes"; } if ($changed == 0){ if ($station eq "0"){ &printPreInfoPristine;} if ($station eq "1"){ &printPreInfoLogging;} if ($station eq "2"){ &printPreInfoStripCropping;} if ($station eq "3"){ &printPreInfoStreamBuffer;} if ($station eq "4"){ &printPreInfoRunoffPond;} if ($station eq "5"){ &printPreInfoMarsh;} if ($station eq "6"){ &printPreInfoStormSanitary;} } elsif ($changed eq 1){ if ($station eq "1"){ &printPostInfoLogging; } if ($station eq "2"){ &printPostInfoStripCropping;} if ($station eq "3"){ &printPostInfoStreamBuffer;} if ($station eq "4"){ &printPostInfoRunoffPond;} if ($station eq "5"){ &printPostInfoMarsh;} if ($station eq "6"){ &printPostInfoStormSanitary;} } } elsif ($locale eq "bottom"){ if (($query{'map'} eq "7") || ($form{'bottomstation'} eq "7")){ if ($printedassignment eq "yes"){ ; } else { &printAssignment; } } if ($bottomchanged == 0){ if ($bottomstation eq "0"){ &printPreInfoPristine;} if ($bottomstation eq "1"){ &printPreInfoLogging;} if ($bottomstation eq "2"){ &printPreInfoStripCropping;} if ($bottomstation eq "3"){ &printPreInfoStreamBuffer;} if ($bottomstation eq "4"){ &printPreInfoRunoffPond;} if ($bottomstation eq "5"){ &printPreInfoMarsh;} if ($bottomstation eq "6"){ &printPreInfoStormSanitary;} # if ($bottomstation eq "7"){ &printAssignment;} } elsif ($bottomchanged eq 1){ if ($bottomstation eq "1"){ &printPostInfoLogging; } if ($bottomstation eq "2"){ &printPostInfoStripCropping;} if ($bottomstation eq "3"){ &printPostInfoStreamBuffer;} if ($bottomstation eq "4"){ &printPostInfoRunoffPond;} if ($bottomstation eq "5"){ &printPostInfoMarsh;} if ($bottomstation eq "6"){ &printPostInfoStormSanitary;} } else {;} } } sub printAssignment{ print <<"HTML"; Description: This location is near the mouth of the river. Flow includes water from all tributaries
Present Status: Very High N,S,T, Temp, Low D.O.
Make Improvements: Need to make changes upstream to have effect
Task: Need to reduce runoff and pollutants N, S, T; increase available O2 (D.O.) and lower Temperature.
How to Proceed? Examine the graphs for each of the variables. Go to other stations to find out how to improve water quality

HTML } sub printPreInfoPristine{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Pristine Forest
Present Status: n/a
Suggested Improvement: None
HTML } sub printPreInfoLogging{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Forested at the Headwaters
Present Status: Sediments and runoff would decrease dramatically if clear cutting is discouraged.
Suggested Improvement: Forbid Clear Cutting
HTML } sub printPostInfoLogging{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Forested at the Headwaters
Present Status: Sediments and runoff have decreased dramatically because a buffer was required.
Improvement: Require a buffer
HTML } sub printPreInfoStripCropping{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Largely Agricultural Area
Present Status: Very High Nitrogen, Sediments, Toxins & Water Temp, Low D.O.
Suggested Improvement: Strip Cropping
HTML } sub printPostInfoStripCropping{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Largely Agricultural Area
Present Status:Grass buffer has reduced sediments and nutrients, increased D.O.
Improvement: Strip Cropping
HTML } sub printPreInfoStreamBuffer{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Suburban Area
Present Status: runoff, sediments, nutrients, toxins are affected
Suggested Improvement: Require a stream buffer
HTML } sub printPostInfoStreamBuffer{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Suburban Area
Present Status: runoff, sediments, nutrients, toxins are affected
Improvement: stream buffer
HTML } sub printPreInfoRunoffPond{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Shopping Mall
Present Status: Runoff amount, Temperature and Toxins are affected
Suggested Improvement: Require a Runoff Pond / Cache Basin
HTML } sub printPostInfoRunoffPond{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Shopping Mall
Present Status: Runoff amount, Temperature and Toxins are affected
Improvement: Implemented a Runoff Pond / Cache Basin
HTML } sub printPreInfoStormSanitary{ print <<"HTML"; Description: This location is in an urban area drained by a tributary.
Present Status: High Toxins, Temperature
Suggested Improvement: Seperate storm and sanitary sewers.
HTML } sub printPostInfoStormSanitary{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Urban Area
Present Status: Lower Nutrients, Toxins
Improvement: Seperate storm and sanitary sewers.
HTML } sub printPreInfoMarsh{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Wetlands Area
Present Status:
Suggested Improvement: Wetlands
HTML } sub printPostInfoMarsh{ print <<"HTML"; Description: Wetlands Area
Present Status:
Improvement: Wetlands
HTML } 1;