Strip Cropping Information Page

Strip cropping is one of the best practices to reduce water erosion in agriculture. Strips of close growing crop or sod are alternated with strips of row crops. There are two kinds of strip cropping:

1) Contour strip cropping
Strips are planted on the contour

2) Field strip cropping
Strips are planted across the slope of the field

There are several ways in which strip cropping improves water quality. It reduces erosion and promotes infiltration of water into the ground so that the amount of sediment carried from the field in surface runoff is reduced. Since agricultural chemicals accompany the sediment, runoff of these chemicals is also reduced.

An advantage of using sod for strip cropping is that it keeps excessive amounts of soluable fertilizers and pesticides from leaching through to the ground water. Sod itself does not require much fertilization.

Many factors must be considered in planning for strip cropping:.