# CGI_LIB.pl : Perl Routines to Manipulate CGI input. # Author : Simon Tneoh Chee-Boon # Email : tneohcb@tneoh.zoneit.com or tneohcb@pc.jaring.my # Last modified : 21st.Jul.1997 # Homepage : http://www.tneoh.zoneit.com/cgi/upload # Changes : Multiple value is ok now. (For example: "multiple # select form") # New way to store uploaded file's data and works for # both "windows" and "unix" platforms. # Usage : # # Use this library, of course: # require 'CGI_LIB.pl'; # * If your CGI_LIB.pl is not inside @INC directories. You can do # the followings: # 1) #!/usr/bin/perl -I/dir/where/this/lib/file/saved # 2) Add the directory to the environment variable "PERL5LIB". # # Print the "Content-Type: text/html\n\n": # &Print_Head; # # For both "GET" and "POST" methods, all data will be parsed into %CGI. # EG: Single value => # $CGI{'TextVar'} is equal to "123". # Multiple value => # $CGI{'SelectVar'} will be an array. # $CGI{'SelectVar'}[0] is equal to "Sel1". # $CGI{'SelectVar'}[1] is equal to "Sel2". # You can check whether it's an array or not by using: # if (ref($CGI{'SelectVar'}) =~ /ARRAY/) ... # # For those data with enctype="multipart/form-data" will also be # parsed into %CGI. # * Make sure in your form tag same as the followings: #
# EG: Normal input type => Data saved in the way same as "GET" and "POST" # methods. # File type input => # $CGI{'UploadedFile'} will be a hash array. # Normally, "name", "filename", "Content-Type" and "Contents" are # fields that exist in $CGI{'UploadedFile'}. # If you've uploaded a "image/gif" type file with filename # "C:\images\cute.gif". You will have the followings: # $CGI{'UploadedFile'}->{'name'} => "UploadedFile". # $CGI{'UploadedFile'}->{'filename'} => "C:\images\cute.gif". # $CGI{'UploadedFile'}->{'Content-Type'} => "image/gif". # $CGI{'UploadedFile'}->{'Contents'} => Contents of the gif file. # # When you want to save the uploaded file into a file: # open(TMP, "> /tmp/filename") || die "Error create file: $!"; # print TMP $CGI{'UploadedFile'}->{'Contents'}; # close(TMP) || die "Error close filehandle: $!"; # * If you want to use the filename from # $CGI{'UploadedFile'}->{'filename'}, you better check the filename # if your web server has server side include or CGI programs can be # run in directories other than "/cgi-bin". Filename with suffix # ".cgi", ".shtm" etc are dangers to your web server. # # If you want a quick way to know whether file upload ok or not, # create the following HTML file and CGI perl script: #------------/upload.html------------------------------------------------ # # # Testing File Upload CGI_LIB.pl # # #

Testing File Upload CGI_LIB.pl

# # # #
# # #-------------END--------------------------------------------------------- #-----------/cgi-bin/uploader.cgi----------------------------------------- # #!/usr/bin/perl # require 'CGI_LIB.pl'; # #For those whose server is on windows system, you need the following # #three lines. # #Thanks to Carlo Maria Piacenti who told me about this. # binmode(STDIN); # binmode(STDOUT); # binmode(STDERR); # &Parse_Multi; # print "Content-Type: $CGI{'UploadedFile'}->{'Content-Type'}\n\n"; # print $CGI{'UploadedFile'}->{'Contents'}; #--------------END-------------------------------------------------------- sub Parse_Data { local($raw_data,@items,$key,$value); $raw_data = &Parse_Method; # Split different "NAME" and their values. @items = split('&', $raw_data); # For each list of "NAME=its_value". for (@items) { $_ =~ tr/+/ /; ($key,$value) = split('=',$_,2); # The %xx hex numbers are converted to alphanumeric. $key =~ s/%(..)/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ s/%(..)/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; if (grep(/^$key$/, keys(%CGI))) { if (@{$CGI{$key}} > 0) { push(@{$CGI{$key}}, "$value"); } else { $arrvalue = $CGI{$key}; undef $CGI{$key}; $CGI{$key}[0] = $arrvalue; push(@{$CGI{$key}}, "$value"); } } else { $CGI{$key} = $value; } } } sub Print_Head { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; } sub Parse_Multi { local($boundary,@pairs,$position); local($raw_data,$value,$name,$part); $raw_data = &Parse_Method; ($boundary = $ENV{CONTENT_TYPE}) =~ s/^.*boundary=(.*)$/\1/; @pairs = split(/--$boundary/, $raw_data); @pairs = splice(@pairs,1,$#pairs-1); for $part (@pairs) { $part =~ s/[\r]\n$//g; ($dump, $firstline, $datas) = split(/[\r]\n/, $part, 3); next if $firstline =~ /filename=\"\"/; $firstline =~ s/^Content-Disposition: form-data; //; (@columns) = split(/;\s+/, $firstline); ($name = $columns[0]) =~ s/^name="([^"]+)"$/\1/g; if ($#columns > 0) { if ($datas =~ /^Content-Type:/) { ($CGI{"$name"}->{'Content-Type'}, $blankline, $datas) = split(/[\r]\n/, $datas, 3); $CGI{"$name"}->{'Content-Type'} =~ s/^Content-Type: ([^\s]+)$/\1/g; } else { ($blankline, $datas) = split(/[\r]\n/, $datas, 2); $CGI{"$name"}->{'Content-Type'} = "application/octet-stream"; } } else { ($blankline, $datas) = split(/[\r]\n/, $datas, 2); if (grep(/^$name$/, keys(%CGI))) { if (@{$CGI{$name}} > 0) { push(@{$CGI{$name}}, $datas); } else { $arrvalue = $CGI{$name}; undef $CGI{$name}; $CGI{$name}[0] = $arrvalue; push(@{$CGI{$name}}, $datas); } } else { next if $datas =~ /^\s*$/; $CGI{"$name"} = $datas; } next; } for $currentColumn (@columns) { ($currentHeader, $currentValue) = $currentColumn =~ /^([^=]+)="([^"]+)"$/; $CGI{"$name"}->{"$currentHeader"} = $currentValue; } $CGI{"$name"}->{'Contents'} = $datas; } } sub Parse_Method { local($buffer); if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") { read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); return $buffer; } elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") { return $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } else { return 0; } } #END of CGI_LIB.pl library. 1; __END__