Student Responses: Alice

Question 1: Using the Agricultural Station (#2), determine which indicators demonstrate seasonal variation. For each indicator that you identify, describe the seasonal trends that the graphs show.

A long-term study of water temperature demonstrates seasonal variation because it correlates closely with insolation. Consequently, dissolved oxygen levels also vary seasonally due to the changing saturation point of the water as its temperature rises or falls....

Question 2: Using the Agricultural Station (#2), determine the indicators which demonstrate a strong positive correlation to precipitation.

A long-term study of water temperature demonstrates seasonal variation because it correlates closely with insolation. Consequently, dissolved oxygen levels also vary seasonally due to the changing saturation point of the water as its temperature rises or falls....

Question 3: Select Runoff as an indicator to graph. Then, implement the strip-cropping improvement. Describe the impact of the improvement on the amount of runoff.

This student provided no response to question 3.