RiverWeb Tour

Making Best Practice Improvements

Let's look at another land use area. To compare Nitrogen Concentration and Precipitation at Station 2, you can click on "2" in the map in the lower left corner of the RiverWeb WQS window (or change the radio buttons on the sidebar for each graph and hit change display). Station 2 is farm land. Note that there are many more days (corresponding to days of lower rainfall) with high nitrogen levels for Station 2. This is because there is more runoff for lower amounts of rain.

The description for Station 2 is above the top graph. Notice the link to a suggested improvement. Click the link "Implement Improvement" to carry out the management practice "Strip Cropping". The blue curve on the Station 2 graph represents nitrogen concentration after the best management practice is implemented. Notice the fluctuation in nitrogen concentration is is much less common when the best management practice is implemented. Since two sets of data (before and after implementation of best management practice) are graphed for nitrogen concentration at Station 2, both the pre-implementation and post-implementation sets of data may be accessed through the links below the graph.

When you are finished, retract the improvement by selecting the link above the graphs. Then click on "RiverWeb Sample Questions: Exploring Station 0" above (menu frame).