RiverWeb Tour

Using the RiverWeb Notepad

To access the Notepad click on the word "Notepad" near the top of the RiverWeb WQS page. The contents of the notepad will vary according to which stations are selected.

When the Notepad appears position the window so that the graphs can be read while the Notepad is open.

If this is the first time that you have launched the Notepad for this session, you will be asked to type in your username and password. The next screen will display your current stations, the indicators, and the improved status of each location.

Below the location information, questions may be displayed. Clicking on the Answer Question link will give you a screen with a text box. By clicking your mouse inside this box you can type in the answer to this question. Clicking on Submit will save your answer and bring you back to the question window where you may answer another question, edit the answer you just typed, or close out of the window. **ALWAYS CLICK SUBMIT TO SAVE YOUR ANSWER**

When you have finished, close the "Notepad" window and click on "Making Best Practice Improvements" above (menu frame).