HI Decomposition  

A simple model showing the stoichiometry of the decomposition of HI. This model shows different ratios from the water model and is used as the basis for some other models.

STELLATM software is needed to view the model in Mac (hqx) format or PC format.

[Diagram Level | Equations Level | Graphs ]

moles_HI(t) = moles_HI(t - dt) + (- hydrogen_production - iodine_production) * dt
INIT moles_HI = 20
hydrogen_production = 0.5
iodine_production = .5
moles_hydrogen(t) = moles_hydrogen(t - dt) + (hydrogen_production) * dt
INIT moles_hydrogen = 0
hydrogen_production = 0.5
moles_iodine(t) = moles_iodine(t - dt) + (iodine_production) * dt
INIT moles_iodine = 0
iodine_production = .5
mass_HI = moles_HI*128
mass_hydrogen = moles_hydrogen*2
mass_iodine = moles_iodine*254
total_mass = mass_HI+mass_hydrogen+mass_iodine
Total_moles = moles_hydrogen+moles_iodine+moles_HI

Time Specs
Range: 0-12 , dT = 0.25 , Integration Method = Euler's Method

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