Change of State Model  

This model is designed so that all constants can be set. This allows the user to look at the change of state graph for any substance. Water is illustrated here.

STELLATM software is needed to view the model in Mac (hqx) format or PC format.

[Diagram Level | Equations Level | Graphs ]

heat_total(t) = heat_total(t - dt) + (change_in_heat) * dt
INIT heat_total = 0

change_in_heat = DT
temperature(t) = temperature(t - dt) + (temp_change) * dt
INIT temperature = Initial_temp

temp_change = IF(temperature < fpt) THEN(change_in_heat/(mass*solid)) 
	ELSE IF(temperature >=fpt)AND (heat_total<(fusion+Plateau_1))
	THEN(0) ELSE IF (temperature > fpt)
	AND (temperature < bp) THEN (change_in_heat/(mass*liquid))
	ELSE IF (temperature  >=bp) AND
	(heat_total < (fusion+Plateau_1+Plateau_2+vaporization)) 
	THEN (0) ELSE(change_in_heat/(mass*vapor))

bp = 100
fpt = 0
fusion = .334
Initial_temp = -5
liquid = .00418
mass = 1

Plateau_1 = IF(Initial_temp < fpt) THEN 
Plateau_2 = mass*liquid*(bp-fpt)
solid = .00209
vapor = .00184
vaporization = 2.26

Time Specs
Range: 0 - 35; dT = 0.1; Integration Method = Runge-Kutta 2

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