Horizontal Spring Model  

This basic model of a horizontal spring can be related to a variety of other models including the LRC Circuit model.

Vensim Version STELLA Version

[Diagram Level | Equations Level | Graphs ]

Elastic_Potential_Energy = .5 *Spring_Constant*Position^2
Kinetic_Energy = .5*Mass*Velocity^2
Total_Energy = Elastic_Potential_Energy+Kinetic_Energy
Position(t) = Position(t - dt) + (Change_Position) * dt
INIT Position = -2
Change_Position = Velocity
Velocity(t) = Velocity(t - dt) + (Acceleration) * dt
INIT Velocity = 0
Acceleration = Restoring_Force/Mass
Mass = 2
Period = 2*PI*SQRT(Mass/Spring_Constant)
Restoring_Force = -Spring_Constant*Position
Spring_Constant = 35

Time Specs
Range: 0-4, dT = 0.0125, Integration Method = Runge-Kutta 4

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