Capacitance Model  

This fairly straightforward model allows students to experiment with some variables affecting capacitance.

Vensim Version STELLA Version

[Diagram Level | Equations Level | Graphs ]

Charge_on_Capacitor(t) = Charge_on_Capacitor(t - dt) + (Current) * dt
INIT Charge_on_Capacitor = 0
Current = (Applied_Voltage/Resistance)-Charge_on_Capacitor/(Capacitance*Resistance)
Applied_Voltage = if time < Switch_Open_time then Voltage else 0
Capacitance = 1
Capac_Voltage = Charge_on_Capacitor/Capacitance
Relaxation_Time = Capacitance*Resistance
Resistance = 5
Switch_Open_time = 10
Voltage = 12

Time Specs
Range: 0 - 20, dT = 0.25, Integration Method = Runge-Kutta 4

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