Doppler Model  

In this model, students can change the relative velocities of observer and source and note the change in period of the waves. The graph is set in comparative mode so the students can start with no relative velocity and then compare that plot to one with relative velocity.

STELLATM software is needed to view the model in Mac (hqx) format or PC format.

[Diagram Level | Equations Level | Graphs ]

Perceived_Wave(t) = Perceived_Wave(t - dt) + (Wave) * dt
INIT Perceived_Wave = 0
Wave = -Calculated_Frequency*SIN(2*PI*Calculated_Frequency*TIME)
Calculated_Frequency = Source_Frequency*(300 - Velocity_Observer)/(300 - Velocity_Source)
Source_Frequency = 2
Velocity_Observer = 0
Velocity_Source = 0

Time Specs
Range = 0 - 3; dT = 0.01; Integration Method = Runge-Kutta 4

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