Pendulum Model  

This model allows students to experiment with length and angle to see how they affect the period of the pendulum. The model uses polar coordinates.

Vensim Version STELLA Version

[Diagram Level | Equations Level | Graphs ]

g = -9.81
KE = 0.5*mass*Length^2*Velocity^2
PE = -g*mass*(Length*(1-cos(angle)))
Total_Energy = KE+PE
angle(t) = angle(t - dt) + (chg_angle) * dt
INIT angle = initial_angle
chg_angle = Velocity
Velocity(t) = Velocity(t - dt) + (Ang_Acceleration) * dt
INIT Velocity = 0
Ang_Acceleration = restoring_force/mass
initial_angle = 2*pi*initial_angle_in_deg/360
initial_angle_in_deg = 10
Length = 1
mass = 2
restoring_force = mass*g*sin(angle)/Length

Time Specs
Range: 0 - 5, dT = 0.05, Integration Method = Runge-Kutta 4

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