Maryland Virtual High School

Stream Assimilation Capacity for Waste Material

Table of contents

  1. Stream Overview
    1. Unit Purpose
    2. Unit Objective
    3. Unit Overview
    4. Materials
    5. Concepts
    6. Links to State Outcome
    7. Student Outcomes
    8. Student Assessments
    9. Acknowledgements
  2. Mathamatical Model
    1. Material Balance
    2. Natural Reoxygenation of a Stream
    3. Deoxygenation and Reoxygenation Math Theory
    4. Equations
      1. eq. 1
      2. eq. 2
      3. eq. 3
      4. eq. 4
      5. eq. 5
      6. eq. 6
      7. eq. 7
      8. eq. 8
      9. eq. 9
      10. eq. 10
      11. eq. 11
  3. Computer Model
    1. Stella Model (graphic)
    2. Stella Model (equations)
    3. Graph of Oxygen PPM and Waste PPM vs. Time
    4. Data Table
  4. Suggested Questions
  5. Bibliography

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