Maryland Virtual High School


Boutwell, S., Brown, S., Roberts, B., and Atwood, D. Modeling Remedial Actions at Uncontrolled Hazadous Waste Sites. Moyes Publications. Park Ridge, NJ: 1986.

Faust, S. and Hunter, J. Organic Compounds in Aquatic Environments. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, NY: 1971.

Guenzi, W., Ahlrichs, J., Chesters, G., Bloodworth, M., and Nash, R. Pesticides in Soil and Water. Soil Science of America, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin: 1974.

Mueller, W. and Smith, D. Compilation of EPA's Sampling and Analysis Methods. Lewis Publishers, Inc. Chelsea, MI: 1992.

NIST Chemical Kenetics Data Base - Standard Ref. 17. IBM-Version 6.0. (MAC version is also available)

NIST Structures and Properties -Standard Ref. 25. IBM-Version 2.01. (MAC Version is also available)

Novotny, V. and Chesters, G. Handbook of Nonpoint Pollution - Sources and Management. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. New York, NY: 1981.

Patterson, J. Industrial Waste Management. Lewis Publishers, Inc. Chelsea, MI: 1985.

Perry, R., Green, D., and Maloney, J. Chemical Engineers' Handbook. 6th Edition. Mc. Graw Hill Book, Co. New York, NY: 1984.

Powledge, F. Water - The Nature, Uses, and Future of Out Most Precious and Abused Resource. Farrar Straus Giroux. New York, NY: 1982.

Riegel, E. Handbook of Industrial Chemistry. 9th edition. Van Nostrand Reihold Company. New York, NY: 1992.

Thibodeaux, L. Chemodynamics. Wiley Interscience Publication. New York, NY: 1979.

Viessman, W, Jr. and Hammer, M. Water Supply and Pollution Control. 4th Edition. Harper & Row, Publishers. New York, NY: 1985.

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