Maryland Virtual High School

Suggested Exercises for Stream Model

Suggested Exercises and Discussion Questions:

  1. From the equations, determine the lowest concentration of oxygen in the stream?

    This minimum can be obtained by substituting the test data into eq. 11, and the answer is 4.1 ppm.

  2. From the graph (oxygen sag curve) and data table of the model, determine the lowest concentration of oxygen in the stream?

    The answer is 4.17 ppm.

  3. Determine the time and location of the lowest oxygen concentration. (Thibodeau)

    By setting the first derivative of eq. 11 to zero, the critical time is:

    tc = {1/1k'A /h - k'''B}*ln{(1k'A/hk'''B)*[1 - DAš([(1k'A/h)-k'''B]/k'''BrBš]}
    tc = 18 sec
    Lc = v*tc

  4. What is the importance of the lowest concentration of oxygen in the stream?

    This minimum should not be less than the oxygen concentration to sustain aquatic life in the stream. The students can determine the types and levels of higher life forms in a stream with the minimum concentration of oxygen. For example, catfish needs about 3.8 ppm or trout needs about 6 ppm.

  5. How can you increase the minimum point of oxygen concentration on the oxygen sag curve of the model?

    By changing such elements as the amount of pollutants, season, flow of stream, mechanical mixing, and/or surface area of water.

  6. Experiment: Design and build an aeration system to increase the transfer water. Optimize the size-cost-power by calculating the size of aeration system, the best type of equipments and cost.

    Teachers: Oxygen can be transferred:

  7. Problem:(This problem is taken from class work developed by Dr. Craig Myler, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County.)

    This morning, the headlines of local news paper read: "ACME Chemicals kills catfish!" As a head engineer for the ACME company, it is going to be up to you to talk to the press this evening. You phone the plant and are told that no upsets have occured and nothing but non- toxics have been discharged. The sampling data from the previous day show the following:

    What are you going to tell your boss? the press? and the public?

    ACME did not kill the fish. The minimum dissolved oxygen is 4.10 ppm.

  8. Experiment: Determine k'''B in laboratory with Lamotte's Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit or DO Standardized Methods for starch simulation.

    Procedure: The purpose of this section is to provide a general guide to the teachers. The teachers must supervise students and provide detailed procedures to each section of the experiment. In this experiment, starch is the organic pollutant.

  9. What are the assumptions used by this model?

    Constant biosphere
    Constant chemical reactions
    Constant rate of absorption
    Constant surface area
    Constant velocity
    Constant volume
    Homogenous system
    Neglect of other absorptions
    Neglect of other O2 usage such as fish and plants
    O2 input by other means
    Solubility or other equilibrium

    This model can be extended by expanding any one of the above assumptions.

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