Maryland Virtual High School

Biology Workbench Teacher Feedback

Workshop led by Angelique Bosse
Wootton High School
April 11, 2000
11 Teachers

Teacher Comments
Due to Internet traffic problems between Maryland and California, only one teacher completed the BW activities.

Workshop led by Angelique Bosse
Montgomery Blair High School
July 29, 1999
3 Teachers

Useful Features for Courses Actual Classroom Use Usage Problems
Compare amino acid sequences.
Develop phylogenetic trees based on molecular similarities.
Honors and AP Biology
Use Rasmol to show the sickled hemoglobin and normal hemoglobin structures. On-Level Biology
Find gene sequences.
Evolutionary relationships
Molecular Biology N/A Building renovation made computer labs inaccessible.
Comparing Primate Proteins On-Level Biology N/A Building renovation made computer labs inaccessible.
Genetic Disorders Honors Biology

Workshop led by Dawn Cotter from NCSA
Montgomery Blair High School
July 17, 1998
One of the five teachers trained went on
to use BW with her students and
became a local BW trainer.

Useful Features for Courses Actual Classroom Use Usage Problems
Tutorials are well designed and provide practice in the skills needed to analyze gene and protein sequences. Genetics Analysis and Cell Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia is a good first tutorial. The Cystic Fibrosis tutorial is more complex and should be used after SCA. Make hard copies of the instructions so students are not impeded by clicking back and forth between the instruction screen and the tutorial screen.
Comparison of nucleic or amino acid sequences of various organisms provides a means of finding evolutionary relationships. see above The SRS Database Search allows students to find the protein product corresponding to a genomic sequence. Afternoon access was much slower than morning access.
Protein alignments enable the construction of phylogenetic trees. see above The CLUSTAL_W function allows multiple sequences to be aligned. When searches for some proteins were unsuccessful, students were directed to search for other proteins so they could master the Clustal_W function.

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