HI Equilibrium Concentration  

A variation of the previous model which uses concentrations to calculate the rates of reaction. Notice that the same results are achieved with a lot messier diagram.

STELLATM software is needed to view the model in Mac (hqx) format or PC format.

[Diagram Level | Equations Level | Graphs ]

moles_HI(t) = moles_HI(t - dt) + (I2_to_HI + H2_to_HI - HI_to_H2 - HI_to_I2) * dt
INIT moles_HI = initial_mol_HI
I2_to_HI = reverse_change_of_moles
H2_to_HI = reverse_change_of_moles
HI_to_H2 = forward_change_of_moles
HI_to_I2 = forward_change_of_moles
moles_hydrogen(t) = moles_hydrogen(t - dt) + (HI_to_H2 - H2_to_HI) * dt
INIT moles_hydrogen = initial_mol_H2
HI_to_H2 = forward_change_of_moles
H2_to_HI = reverse_change_of_moles
moles_iodine(t) = moles_iodine(t - dt) + (HI_to_I2 - I2_to_HI) * dt
INIT moles_iodine = initial_mol_I2
HI_to_I2 = forward_change_of_moles
I2_to_HI = reverse_change_of_moles
conc_H = moles_hydrogen/total_volume
conc_HI = moles_HI/total_volume
conc_I = moles_iodine/total_volume
forward_change_of_moles = rate_forwd*total_volume
initial_mol_H2 = 0.1
initial_mol_HI = 0.1
initial_mol_I2 = 0.1
Kconst = k_forward/k_rev
Keq = conc_H*conc_I/conc_HI^2
k_forward = 0.550
k_rev = 30.2
rate_forwd = k_forward*conc_HI^2
rate_reverse = k_rev*conc_I*conc_H
reverse_change_of_moles = rate_reverse*total_volume
total_moles = moles_HI+moles_hydrogen+moles_iodine
total_volume = 1

Time Specs
Range: 0-100, dT = 0.1, Integration Method = RK4

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