Simple Change of State Model  

This is a slightly simpler version of the general Change of State Model. This one is "hard-wired" for water only and thus doesn't have the same flexibility as the other model.

STELLATM software is needed to view the model in Mac (hqx) format or PC format.

[Diagram Level | Equations Level | Graphs ]

Amt_gas(t) = Amt_gas(t - dt) + (Vaporizing) * dt
INIT Amt_gas = 0

Vaporizing = IF(temperature>5)AND(temp_change=0)THEN(DT*mass/2.26)ELSE(0)
Amt_liquid(t) = Amt_liquid(t - dt) + (Melting - Vaporizing) * dt
INIT Amt_liquid = 0

Melting = IF(temp_change=0)THEN(DT*mass/0.334)ELSE(0)
Vaporizing = IF(temperature>5)AND(temp_change=0)THEN(DT*mass/2.26)ELSE(0)
Amt_solid(t) = Amt_solid(t - dt) + (- Melting) * dt
INIT Amt_solid = mass

Melting = IF(temp_change=0)THEN(DT*mass/0.334)ELSE(0)
heat_total(t) = heat_total(t - dt) + (change_in_heat) * dt
INIT heat_total = 0

change_in_heat = DT
temperature(t) = temperature(t - dt) + (temp_change) * dt
INIT temperature = Initial_temp

temp_change = IF(temperature<0)THEN(change_in_heat/(mass*0.00209)) ELSE 
IF(temperature>=0)AND (heat_total<(0.334+Plateau_1)) THEN(0) ELSE 
IF (temperature>0) AND (temperature<100) THEN(change_in_heat/(mass*0.00418)) 
ELSE IF (temperature>=100) AND(heat_total<(0.334+Plateau_1+Plateau_2+2.26)) 
THEN (0) ELSE(change_in_heat/(mass*0.00184))

Initial_temp = -50
mass = 1
Plateau_1 = IF(Initial_temp<0) THEN (mass*0.00209*(0-Initial_temp))ELSE(0)
Plateau_2 = mass*0.00418*(100)

Time Specs
Range: 0 - 50; dT = 0.1; Integration Method = Runge-Kutta 2

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