Reaction Mechanisms  

This would be the last in a series of kinetics models. This model allows students to explore a simple reaction mechanism. In the activity, they can experiment with making each step the "slow" step or by changing the order of the various reactions. They then compare the graphs and show how this is reflected in the overall rate law. This model naturally leads into the Brusselator model as well as the Nuclear Cascade model.

STELLATM software is needed to view the model in Mac (hqx) format or PC format.

[Diagram Level | Equations Level | Graphs ]

conc_A(t) = conc_A(t - dt) + (- rate_step_1) * dt
INIT conc_A = 0.1
rate_step_1 = rate_constant_1*conc_A
conc_B(t) = conc_B(t - dt) + (rate_step_1 - rate_step_2) * dt
INIT conc_B = 0
rate_step_1 = rate_constant_1*conc_A
rate_step_2 = rate_constant_2*conc_B*conc_A
conc_C(t) = conc_C(t - dt) + (rate_step_2) * dt
INIT conc_C = 0
rate_step_2 = rate_constant_2*conc_B*conc_A
rate_constant_1 = 0.5
rate_constant_2 = 1

Time Specs
Range: 0-12, dT = 0.25 , Integration Method = Euler

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