Module Title: Explaining the Motion of Objects in the Solar System Due to the Flow of Energy.

Estimated time to complete: 4 hours

Module objectives:

Concept(s) learned in this module:

Standards addressed in this module:

Technology-enhanced instructional strategies utilized in this module:

Teleresearch, telecollaboration, computer-based simulations, technology- enhanced demonstrations/experiments, parallel problem solving, advanced web search strategies, and "Ask the Expert".




Brief description of module activities

Student Grouping Materials/Technology


Find web sites to show:
1)phases of the moon
2) path of the sun as it changes during the year.

Small groups

Internet URL's


What influences does the flow of energy have in our solar system? Give examples of what occurs on Earth. Observe and record on chart.

Small groups or pairs

Technology enhanced experiments


Write a research paper about the changing events during moon phases and changing path of the sun. Discussion of research.

Individual or whole class

Word processor, email


If the Earth were tilted an extra 15 degrees by some event, what changes would or would not take place on Earth?

Pairs or small groups

Information exchanges; "Ask an Expert" (FAQ)


A rubric will be developed for this module to score the research paper




Expected module outcomes: Students understand that the motion and flow of energy from the sun changes the Earthís conditions and that the phases of the moon move in a regular and predictable pattern.

Performance-based assessment of module outcomes: Research paper scored using rubrics developed for this module.

Unit Flow Chart
Unit Description
Module 1 2