Modeling Oscillating Systems: Physics Component Activities and Procedures |
Oscillation Explorations -
Each lab group is given an example of oscillatory motion to investigate.Through a guided discovery students will recognize and describe properties of oscillatory motion. Each group will prepare a brief presentation on specific aspects of the system they observe. Through class discussion similarities among the various examples will be highlighted.
Sample activities could include investigating:
Oscillation Exploration Guide Sheet
Following student presentations of similarities in their investigations of oscillatory motion, the teacher will lead a discussion that summarizes information and leads to definitions of terms, such as, period, frequency, and amplitude. Students will then be asked to make a preliminary concept map that demonstrates their understanding of oscillatory motion. The concept maps will be collected and compared with concept maps created at the end of the unit.
Oscillation Concept Map Handout
Students will explore the oscillatory motion of a low friction cart attached to a horizontal spring.They will collect data using CBL or MBL technology using motion and force probes. The purpose of this activity will be to collect real-time data that will be used to display the position, velocity, force, and acceleration of the cart over time. Students will also use the data to measure specific properties of the motion such as amplitude, period, and frequency.
Horizontal Oscillating Mass Investigation Worksheet
Students will explore the nature of the restoring force in a spring. The purpose of this activity is to collect and analyze data from which they will develop the concept of a restoring force. The data will also enable calculation of the spring constant.
Restoring Force Investigation Worksheet
Students will design and build a Stella model of a mass exhibiting oscillatory motion when attached to a horizontal spring. Students will use information from the previous two investigations (activity 3 and activity 4) to guide the design of the model and verify its accuracy.
The students will continue work with the horizontal spring model by exploring the relationship between period, spring constant, and mass using their model to acquire new data that can be analyzed with graphical analysis techniques. They will employ the technique of controlling and altering variables in order to determine causal connections.
Building the Horizontal Spring Model
Students will first use the Stella model of the horizontal spring to explore quantitative effects associated with changing the amplitude of the oscillating mass. Students can then use experimental techniques to test and verify predictions associated with the model.
Model Manipulation and Experimental Verification Worksheet
Model Manipulation and Experimental Verification Teacher Notes
Student lab groups will be assigned an oscillatory system other than the mass attached to a horizontal spring. They will be given a description of the restoring force in each situation. They will then build a working Stella model of the system and determine which variables affect the frequency of oscillation. Groups will prepare a whiteboard (or similar) presentation of their system analysis. Students will be encouraged to convert Stella models to Java to create a presentation tool.
Possible systems to explore:
Model Concept Extensions Worksheet
Model Extensions Teacher Notes