Teacher Resources
Those wishing to learn more about computational science are invited to investigate
these resources.
Student Projects
MVHS students learn about parallel processing and build a model of
the carbon cycle and its impact on global temperatures.
MVHS Projects in the News
Assorted Articles
Each article features a computational science project used in the classroom.
MVHS Tour 1994-2000
The MVHS Tour captures the highlights of the first six years of MVHS.
Verona Computational Science Teacher Leader Award Winners
Student Programming Contests
Project Recognition
- Seeing is Believing,
an article in Scholastic Administrator, describes how MVHS simulations are used to extend standard science lab experiments (2006).
- Maryland Virtual High School-Integrating Technology and Teacher
Professionalism with Science Education Reform, an article written by Mary Ellen Verona, was published in
Boston University's Journal of Education, Vol. 81 No. 2. (2002)
- Websims: Creating an Online Science Lab, an article written by Mary Ellen Verona, was published as a case study in Cybereducation: the Future of Long Distance Learning (2001).
- MVHS CoreModels was designated as a
promising technology project by the U.S. Department of Education (2000).
- MVHS was chosen by the Computerworld Smithsonian Awards to become part of the Smithsonian Institution's
Permanent Research Collection on Information Technology Innovation (1998).